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8 x 4 Homecoming

8 x 4 Homecoming

New from our friends at Motawi Tileworks! A collection of tile designs based on the work of beloved wildlife artist, Charley Harper (1922-2007). Homecoming is from the Harper lithograph of the same name. These whimsical tiles look elegant in our own handmade quartersawn white oak "Oak Park" style 2 inch wide mitered frame molding - hand selected to ensure the best finish. Also available framed in our 3" wide "Legacy" molding, formed with a slight bevel to draw attention to the tile, or available unframed. NOW FROM DARD HUNTER STUDIOS: Select one of 3 color choices for our hand applied finish at no additional charge! Both look fantastic with the Charley Harper tiles by Motawi Tileworks!
Price: $87.00 
Framing option 
Finish Choice 

Dard Hunter Studios
125 W Water Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Phone: 1-800-986-3273
Fax: 1-740-779-3273

